
Welcome to the Visual-Guard 2020 Archive. This section is dedicated to preserving the comprehensive documentation, guides, and reference materials for Visual-Guard version 2020.3. As you navigate through this archive, you will find valuable resources designed to support users and developers


Welcome to the Visual-Guard Archive section. This part of our documentation is dedicated to providing easy and organized access to previous versions of Visual-Guard, allowing users and developers to find information, guides, and references for past versions of our product.

Database CleanUp

Introduction As databases grow over time, especially those used for logging activities like in Visual-Guard, it becomes crucial to manage and maintain them efficiently. The vg_Log table, which stores log entries, can become quite large and may lead to increased

VGRepository in SQL Server Mode for Visual-Guard

This configuration is particularly beneficial for organizations using Visual-Guard in environments where SQL Server is already an integral part of the IT infrastructure, offering a unified approach to security management and data handling.

How to create a dynamic action ?

Requirement The PBSample in the VGRepository contains many sample How to create a action ? How to disable a button in DataWindows ? How to hide a button in Window ? How to hide a column in DataWindow ? How

How to deactivate Windows SSO ?

VGIdentityServer Feature Guide: Configurable Windows SSO Authentication This guide provides detailed instructions on how to utilize specific settings for automatic Windows SSO authentication in VGIdentityServer. These settings allow developers to choose between automatic Windows authentication and manual authentication. Server Configuration

How to integrate PowerServer 2022 R2 ?

Pre-Requisites Steps to Configure Visual Guard for PowerServer Create and configure the PowerServer project as described in the PowerServer documentation. Go to the PowerServer C# solution > ServerAPIs project, add a reference to “Novalys.VisualGuard.Security.PowerServer.dll”. (You can get this DLL file

Update Visual-Guard

Procedure to Update Visual-Guard Remember to thoroughly test the updated system in the development environment before deploying it to the production environment. This will help you identify and fix any potential issues before they can affect your production environment.

Migrate to Visual-Guard 2020.X

Migration is a crucial process when upgrading to a newer version of Visual-Guard, a robust Identity and Access Management (IAM) solution. This process involves transferring all security configurations, user data, and settings from the old version to the new one. It

Update List