1. Identity Server Service definition
You can access to the definition

You can access to the definition
This guide provides a detailed walkthrough on how to establish a new authentication service for a Visual-Guard application.
Begin by launching the Visual-Guard WinConsole. Please note that you will require administrator privileges to access the VGRepository.
Navigate through the VGRepository and select the application for which you wish to establish the new authentication service.
Click on the “Configure Identity Client for Application” option. This action will open a new window that displays all existing “VG Identity Client for Application” services associated with the chosen application.
Select the “New Platform” button. You will be presented with a variety of platform options, including:
Choose the platform that aligns with your application’s requirements.
Each “VG Identity Client for Application” comprises several sections that require configuration:
This section encompasses various identity resources:
This section contains URI-related information:
This section allows you to select the grant types for the identity client:
This section allows you to manage secret keys. The system can support multiple secret keys.
By following these steps meticulously, you can successfully establish a new authentication service for your Visual-Guard application.
The Visual-Guard Identity Server API documentation provides a comprehensive guide on how to use Postman to view, explore, and test the API methods.
Postman is a popular tool used by developers for API testing. It allows you to send requests to the web server and get the response back. In the context of Visual-Guard Identity Server, it can be used to understand the various API methods available.
The documentation provides a link to the complete API of Visual-Guard Identity Server. This allows you to easily view and explore the various methods available in the API.
To start testing the API methods, you need to download and install Postman. The documentation provides a link to the official Postman download page.
Once you have Postman installed, you need to download the ‘VGIdentityServer Environment variables’ and ‘VGIdentityServer API Collection’ files. These files are to be imported into Postman. The documentation provides step-by-step instructions on how to do this.
After importing the files, you can start using Postman to test the API methods. You need to authenticate your user first, and then you can call any API.
In summary, the Visual-Guard Identity Server API documentation provides a detailed guide on how to use Postman to view and test the API methods. It provides all the necessary resources and instructions to get you started. Whether you are a seasoned developer or a beginner, this documentation is a valuable resource for understanding and testing the Visual-Guard Identity Server API.
To easily view and explore VG Identity Server API methods, we have a documentation/api collection available on postman tool.
Exploring the Visual-Guard Identity Server API
The Visual-Guard Identity Server API offers a collection of methods that can be conveniently explored and tested using the Postman tool. To get started, follow these steps:
To easily explore and test VG Identity Server API methods, we have an API collection available on postman tool.
To explore and test the VG Identity Server API, follow these steps:
By following these steps, you can effectively explore and test the VG Identity Server API using Postman.
Downloading the ‘VGIdentityServer API Collection’
Importing the API Collection into Postman
After successfully importing the file, the API collection will be visible in your Postman interface, as shown below. Now, you’re all set to explore and test the various methods offered by the Visual-Guard Identity Server API.
The VG Identity Server provides various methods to obtain a security token, granting access to your VG application. Here’s how to get started:
1. Define Platform Authentication:
Before requesting a token, your VG application requires a configured platform authentication. This sets the ground rules for secure communication.
2. Making the Authentication Request:
Once the platform authentication is in place, your application can initiate the token request by sending an HTTPS POST request. This triggers the authentication process on the Identity Server.
Explore the different authentication methods below:
Post Variable | Description | Value |
client_id | What Platform is used to authenticate the user The name is <application id>_<Platform mode> Like ADCC6B64-8577-4993-B934-77B9A5BA157B_Native | |
scope | Scope is a mechanism in OAuth 2.0 to limit an application’s access to a user’s account. An application can request one or more scopes, this information is then presented to the user in the consent screen, and the access token issued to the application will be limited to the scopes granted. The OAuth spec allows the authorization server or user to modify the scopes granted to the application compared to what is requested, although there are not many examples of services doing this in practice. OAuth does not define any particular values for scopes, since it is highly dependent on the service’s internal architecture and needs. | openid profile VGActivityDate VGApplications VGDeveloper VGIsApproved VGIslocked VGPermissions VGProfile VGRoles VGToken IdentityServerAPI offline_access |
client_secret | You need to use one secret of your VGIdentityServerClient | |
grant_type | Define the type of authentification controller | VGAuthenticator |
VGAuthenticationModule | Define the type of authentication | VGUser WindowsByCredential Passwordless |
Username | This variable is used for the account type: Visual-Guard, Windows by credentials, etc.. | |
Password | This variable is used when the account has password | |
AuthenticationRequestId | RequestId of the selected mfa available method (Guid). Once you authenticate with first factor authentication, available options will be shown in the response | |
MFAAvailableId | Id of the selected mfa available method (Guid). Once you authenticate with first factor authentication, available options will be shown in the response | |
MFASecureCode | MFA Secure Code (OTP), that you might have received for multi factor authentication |
"access_token": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IjIxODRFQzQ1MDMzMEM1QURFOTRDQjNBOUY5QjE1NkQwQkE5REE1NTBSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6ImF0K2p3dCIsIng1dCI6IklZVHNSUU13eGEzcFRMT3AtYkZXMExxZHBWQSJ9.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.lRVgFqyK45UATrgtVWekAPk_c0HsMzfxIhOxJ3xa8Y-48LHo3VkZmjdNhPuTjHMiI9dXM5wKn6KuP_uf4ZLgpG8f-bSAd9pQZ7VVTP1wwRzeh_dbmz8j7tXyZSCZQkWd--b44ao_CwFyxoChc-rnuIC-cMQUuzS99ugjeGwi8S64RfjUmHfmp80ajuvjj7DlekUIlFSYdJ9pYjYdjfYOTo11eiNTPZJ-YxLMwFu6zLTIrXiN4XY3K5BIM6gMxMmH8nbXcrwnxdQ8RPSRF8jg4nyYjt_x15mCuAtVb8sMkomAYXX6UG430OKZgjC-o2rwfiICVg30s1qdNd10JJgauA",
"expires_in": 1800,
"token_type": "Bearer",
"refresh_token": "61C074C8435CDE9F83A30E9A5FE937CFB72D57302B43C7B9955D17FA1D59D0CD",
"scope": "IdentityServerApi offline_access openid profile VGActivityDate VGApplications VGDeveloper VGIsApproved VGIsLocked VGPermissions VGProfile VGRoles VGToken",
"VGResponse": {
"RequestId": "b8082385-27fe-46cb-bea4-0878b6b220c3",
"AuthenticationState": {
"Status": 2048,
"IsFailed": false,
"IsNotApproved": false,
"IsCanceled": false,
"IsCredentialInvalid": false,
"IsUserNotAuthorized": false,
"IsUserAccountExpired": false,
"IsUserAccountNotYetAvailable": false,
"IsUserAccountDisabled": false,
"IsUserAccountLocked": false,
"IsLastBadLogin": false,
"IsLastGraceLogon": false,
"IsPasswordExpired": false,
"IsPasswordSecure": true,
"IsUserAccountLockedOut": false,
"IsUserAccountWillBeLockedOut": false,
"MustChangePasswordAtNextLogon": false,
"IsMFAWaitingUserAction": false,
"IsMFAAuthenticationRequired": false,
"IsMFATimeOut": false,
"HasUserAccountMissingEmail": false,
"HasUserAccountMissingMobilePhone": false,
"IsMFAEnrollmentRequired": false
"AuthorizationState": {
"Status": 16,
"IsFailed": false,
"IsCanceled": false,
"IsUserNotFound": false,
"IsUserNotAuthorized": false,
"IsVersionNotCompatible": false
"AuthenticationResponse": {
"RequestId": "b8082385-27fe-46cb-bea4-0878b6b220c3",
"Identity": {
"Name": "test",
"AuthenticationType": "VGUSER",
"IsAuthenticated": true
"MFAAvailables": [],
"Status": 2048,
"IsFailed": false,
"IsNotApproved": false,
"IsCanceled": false,
"IsCredentialInvalid": false,
"IsUserNotAuthorized": false,
"IsUserAccountExpired": false,
"IsUserAccountNotYetAvailable": false,
"IsUserAccountDisabled": false,
"IsUserAccountLocked": false,
"IsLastBadLogin": false,
"IsLastGraceLogon": false,
"IsPasswordExpired": false,
"IsPasswordSecure": true,
"IsUserAccountLockedOut": false,
"IsUserAccountWillBeLockedOut": false,
"MustChangePasswordAtNextLogon": false,
"IsMFAWaitingUserAction": false,
"IsMFAAuthenticationRequired": false,
"IsMFATimeOut": false,
"HasUserAccountMissingEmail": false,
"HasUserAccountMissingMobilePhone": false,
"IsMFAEnrollmentRequired": false
"Error": {
"Message": "",
"StackTrace": ""
"AuthorizationStatus": "Success",
"AuthenticationStatus": "Success",
"VGToken": "13A9B76DC4449AAFC272E5D510F9890A00FF329475E2FDE9A79DAC82AF46FE66819A42ADA24FD2DB8CDE497CD1A762A9DA7763F537E00DF312AB0B1BAC0615E3"
2. Response when MFA Authentication is required:
You can get MFAAvailableId and AuthenticationRequestId from response, and create second request using these parameters.
Note: you can check ‘MultifactorAuthentication’ section in postman documentation.
"error": "invalid_request",
"error_description": "Failure, MFA_AuthenticationRequired",
"VGAuthenticationStatus": "Failure, MFA_AuthenticationRequired",
"AuthenticationMethod": "None",
"VGResponse": {
"RequestId": "6984a56e-1674-4f90-9cfd-4573c049d250",
"AuthenticationState": {
"Status": 134217729,
"IsFailed": true,
"IsNotApproved": false,
"IsCanceled": false,
"IsCredentialInvalid": false,
"IsUserNotAuthorized": false,
"IsUserAccountExpired": false,
"IsUserAccountNotYetAvailable": false,
"IsUserAccountDisabled": false,
"IsUserAccountLocked": false,
"IsLastBadLogin": false,
"IsLastGraceLogon": false,
"IsPasswordExpired": false,
"IsPasswordSecure": true,
"IsUserAccountLockedOut": false,
"IsUserAccountWillBeLockedOut": false,
"MustChangePasswordAtNextLogon": false,
"IsMFAWaitingUserAction": false,
"IsMFAAuthenticationRequired": true,
"IsMFATimeOut": false,
"HasUserAccountMissingEmail": false,
"HasUserAccountMissingMobilePhone": false,
"IsMFAEnrollmentRequired": false
"AuthorizationState": {
"Status": 1,
"IsFailed": true,
"IsCanceled": false,
"IsUserNotFound": false,
"IsUserNotAuthorized": false,
"IsVersionNotCompatible": false
"AuthenticationResponse": {
"RequestId": "6984a56e-1674-4f90-9cfd-4573c049d250",
"Identity": {
"Name": "test",
"AuthenticationType": "VGUSER",
"IsAuthenticated": true
"MFAAvailables": [
"RequestId": "6984a56e-1674-4f90-9cfd-4573c049d250",
"TransportMode": 2,
"AuthenticationMode": 1,
"DestinationDisplay": "m****************s@g****.com",
"AuthenticationModeDisplay": "Link",
"TransportModeDisplay": "Email",
"Id": "674a1ed0-e987-4cd6-a0d2-01aa12a83231"
"RequestId": "6984a56e-1674-4f90-9cfd-4573c049d250",
"TransportMode": 2,
"AuthenticationMode": 2,
"DestinationDisplay": "m****************s@g****.com",
"AuthenticationModeDisplay": "OTP",
"TransportModeDisplay": "Email",
"Id": "ff2b9756-bfef-4209-86d3-1c5ca0e0aa23"
"RequestId": "6984a56e-1674-4f90-9cfd-4573c049d250",
"TransportMode": 1,
"AuthenticationMode": 2,
"DestinationDisplay": "+91*****34003",
"AuthenticationModeDisplay": "OTP",
"TransportModeDisplay": "SMS",
"Id": "881193d7-a65a-4d64-bea6-99fc8db64fbe"
"Status": 134217729,
"IsFailed": true,
"IsNotApproved": false,
"IsCanceled": false,
"IsCredentialInvalid": false,
"IsUserNotAuthorized": false,
"IsUserAccountExpired": false,
"IsUserAccountNotYetAvailable": false,
"IsUserAccountDisabled": false,
"IsUserAccountLocked": false,
"IsLastBadLogin": false,
"IsLastGraceLogon": false,
"IsPasswordExpired": false,
"IsPasswordSecure": true,
"IsUserAccountLockedOut": false,
"IsUserAccountWillBeLockedOut": false,
"MustChangePasswordAtNextLogon": false,
"IsMFAWaitingUserAction": false,
"IsMFAAuthenticationRequired": true,
"IsMFATimeOut": false,
"HasUserAccountMissingEmail": false,
"HasUserAccountMissingMobilePhone": false,
"IsMFAEnrollmentRequired": false
"Error": {
"Message": "",
"StackTrace": ""
"AuthorizationStatus": "Failure",
"AuthenticationStatus": "Failure, MFA_AuthenticationRequired",
"VGToken": ""
To authenticate a Visual Guard user, you need a POST request
curl --location --request POST 'https://<Your Identity Server>/connect/token'
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
--data-urlencode 'client_id=6f209594-fc04-4e96-9f9f-7daf57b0fb12_Native'
--data-urlencode 'scope=openid profile VGActivityDate VGApplications VGDeveloper VGIsApproved VGIsLocked VGPermissions VGProfile VGRoles VGToken offline_access IdentityServerApi'
--data-urlencode 'client_secret=secret'
--data-urlencode 'Username=<Your Visual-Guard user>'
--data-urlencode 'Password=<Password of the user>'
--data-urlencode 'grant_type=VGAuthenticator'
--data-urlencode 'VGAuthenticationModule=VGUSER'
Visual Guard Identity Server adheres to the OAuth 2.0 and OIDC standards, providing secure and reliable user authentication and authorization services.
OAuth 2.0 is an authorization framework that allows applications to access protected resources on behalf of a user without requiring the user to share their credentials directly. It provides API security through scoped access tokens
OpenID Connect (OIDC) is an authentication layer built on top of OAuth 2.0. While OAuth 2.0 focuses on authorizing access to resources, OIDC primarily deals with verifying the identity of the user and Single Sign-On (SSO) functionality.
5. Scopes or Identity Resources: Visual Guard supports several scopes or identity resources to be included in the token as claims or user information such as VGActivityDate, VGApplications, VGDeveloper, VGIsApproved, VGIsLocked, VGPermissions, VGProfile, VGRoles, VGToken etc.
6. Access token: The token issued by the VisualGuard Identity server. They serve as bearer tokens, granting applications limited access to protected resources on behalf of a user.
7. Refresh token: A token which is exchanged for a new access token if the access token has expired. (optional)
8. Identity Tokens: OIDC introduces identity tokens, which contain information about the authenticated user, such as their name, email address, and other profile details along with other claims which can be included in identity tokens for sharing user information.
Visual-Guard Identity server provide user information method.
Url: https://<your VG Identity Server>/connect/userinfo
This method return many information like VGToken, user information, profile of the user, roles, permissions and etc…
Inside of your get http you need insert Authorization with bearer <SecurityToken>
Result of the request
"vgToken": "EF4ECC087AE7F56C4E6E66E24782079635F8A805E6565CFDED808F8902559BD8F6F95C207FFC690695835F96062201F3D02BE09C981D55169134AD1A70C0FDB1",
"vgUserId": "admin",
"vgApplications": "Visual Guard Console,Angular demo,AddressBookV3,Appeon_salesdemo,PB_Salesdemo,WSL_VGLinuxConsoleApp,WSL_VGLinuxWebApp,VG Angular",
"vgRoles": "Auditor,Default",
"vgPermissions": "/PowerServer/Address/CanReadAddress,/PowerServer/Customer/CanReadCustomer",
"vgIsApproved": "True",
"vgIsLocked": "False",
"vgStartDate": "7/14/2020 12:00:00 AM",
"vgEndDate": "12/31/9999 12:00:00 AM",
"vgFirstname": "",
"vgLastname": "",
"vgEmail": "admin@gmail.com",
"vgUA_City": "Paris",
"vgUA_Salary": "1000",
"vgUA_Height": "10.1",
"vgUA_BirthDate": "04/06/2021 00:00:19",
"vgUA_Married": "True",
"vgUA_DropDownlist": "Item2",
"vgUA_Binary": "",
"vgUA_City2": "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012",
"vgUA_Company": "",
"vgUA_Country": "",
"vgUA_Department": "",
"vgUA_Description": "",
"vgUA_DisplayName": "",
"vgUA_EmailAddress": "admin@gmail.com",
"vgUA_Fax": "",
"vgUA_HomePhoneNumber": "",
"vgUA_Manager": "",
"vgUA_Middlename": "",
"vgUA_MobileNumber": "+336655223399",
"vgUA_Name": "",
"vgUA_PostalZipcode": "",
"vgUA_Title": "",
"vgUA_Photo": "",
"vgDevApps": "[{\"ApplicationId\":\"a9efce21-c32a-47d5-a49b-b0953f2888b9\",\"ApplicationName\":\"Visual Guard Console\"},{\"ApplicationId\":\"4395b0a5-a5f4-4fac-84e0-5e0285e92e1d\",\"ApplicationName\":\"Angular demo\"},{\"ApplicationId\":\"da9217f7-4f3b-4f64-8bc4-3237dc8a2a65\",\"ApplicationName\":\"AddressBookV3\"},{\"ApplicationId\":\"7503e1ea-212a-4903-abb6-93702214fa87\",\"ApplicationName\":\"Appeon_salesdemo\"},{\"ApplicationId\":\"6f209594-fc04-4e96-9f9f-7daf57b0fb12\",\"ApplicationName\":\"PB_Salesdemo\"},{\"ApplicationId\":\"0d988715-2570-4d99-8e92-4a9e8461efb3\",\"ApplicationName\":\"WSL_VGLinuxConsoleApp\"},{\"ApplicationId\":\"249ae96a-6599-4ebd-808b-764ee244b3fa\",\"ApplicationName\":\"WSL_VGLinuxWebApp\"},{\"ApplicationId\":\"713e30bc-130d-4ec2-94eb-8ad3032b11db\",\"ApplicationName\":\"VG Angular\"}]",
"vgDevRoles": "[{\"Id\":\"30ebc3f1-8c0c-4b93-a8ba-d7e41e11c81d\",\"Name\":\"Auditor\",\"IsMembershipRole\":false,\"IsAdministrationRole\":false,\"IsActive\":true,\"IsContextual\":true,\"IsSharedRole\":false,\"ProfileValues\":[{\"Name\":\"RoleBoolean\",\"Id\":\"9d4625a6-5522-48c7-9f1a-4a396cf5c115\",\"Value\":\"False\",\"ValueImage\":null,\"ProfileAttributeId\":\"faa7ec69-4c67-486f-be4a-665fea29f458\",\"LastModification\":\"2021-10-13T11:42:58.58\"}],\"Description\":null,\"CanBeGrantedToUser\":false,\"CanBeGrantedToGroup\":false,\"IsDefault\":false,\"IsAnonymous\":false,\"ApplicationId\":\"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000\"},{\"Id\":\"0c4857b2-69cf-438b-8c10-6c2ab1b60b98\",\"Name\":\"Default\",\"IsMembershipRole\":false,\"IsAdministrationRole\":false,\"IsActive\":true,\"IsContextual\":true,\"IsSharedRole\":false,\"ProfileValues\":[{\"Name\":\"RoleBoolean\",\"Id\":\"dd62645b-6fc0-4f77-a5d8-2450d881bb89\",\"Value\":\"False\",\"ValueImage\":null,\"ProfileAttributeId\":\"faa7ec69-4c67-486f-be4a-665fea29f458\",\"LastModification\":\"2021-10-13T10:08:13.583\"}],\"Description\":null,\"CanBeGrantedToUser\":false,\"CanBeGrantedToGroup\":false,\"IsDefault\":false,\"IsAnonymous\":false,\"ApplicationId\":\"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000\"}]",
"vgDevPermissions": "[{\"Id\":\"55fb7f63-2ffc-4025-a238-265d20013d82\",\"FolderId\":\"774a0986-3d26-4cb3-975d-b53fa2ccf40b\",\"Name\":\"CanReadAddress\",\"FullName\":\"/PowerServer/Address/CanReadAddress\",\"Description\":\"\",\"Attributes\":[]},{\"Id\":\"6c57b68e-afbd-4667-a8c8-0b4b2a288e65\",\"FolderId\":\"cf7d7117-3180-4fd0-8cb8-109c7e6a10ab\",\"Name\":\"CanReadCustomer\",\"FullName\":\"/PowerServer/Customer/CanReadCustomer\",\"Description\":\"\",\"Attributes\":[]}]",
"sub": "admin"
The Identity Server proposes an extended API
To access the extended API, click “How to you API”
User enrolment and Authentication can be done for Microsoft Authenticator TOTP through an API.
Below are the steps for the same.
After calling the authentication API, examine the response and look for the ‘AuthenticationEnrollmentRequest’ property within the ‘AuthenticationResponse’ object.” (highlighted below)
2. If user is not already enrolled, enroll the user to Microsoft Authenticator app
Step1: Authenticate a user with Visual-Guard IdentityServer API
Please find below the example responses for authentication procedure
"error": "invalid_request",
"error_description": "Failure, MFA_AuthenticationRequired",
"VGAuthenticationStatus": "Failure, MFA_AuthenticationRequired",
"AuthenticationMethod": "None",
"VGResponse": {
"RequestId": "de908cdd-1e9f-47f4-a857-1737eb6912b4",
"AuthenticationState": {
"Status": 134217729,
"IsFailed": true,
"IsNotApproved": false,
"IsCanceled": false,
"IsCredentialInvalid": false,
"IsUserNotAuthorized": false,
"IsUserAccountExpired": false,
"IsUserAccountNotYetAvailable": false,
"IsUserAccountDisabled": false,
"IsUserAccountLocked": false,
"IsLastBadLogin": false,
"IsLastGraceLogon": false,
"IsPasswordExpired": false,
"IsPasswordSecure": true,
"IsUserAccountLockedOut": false,
"IsUserAccountWillBeLockedOut": false,
"MustChangePasswordAtNextLogon": false,
"IsMFAWaitingUserAction": false,
"IsMFAAuthenticationRequired": true,
"IsMFATimeOut": false,
"HasUserAccountMissingEmail": false,
"HasUserAccountMissingMobilePhone": false,
"IsMFAEnrollmentRequired": false
"AuthorizationState": {
"Status": 1,
"IsFailed": true,
"IsCanceled": false,
"IsUserNotFound": false,
"IsUserNotAuthorized": false,
"IsVersionNotCompatible": false
"AuthenticationResponse": {
"RequestId": "de908cdd-1e9f-47f4-a857-1737eb6912b4",
"Identity": {
"Name": "tt29",
"AuthenticationType": "VGUSER",
"IsAuthenticated": true
"AuthenticationEnrollmentRequest": {
"Id": "de908cdd-1e9f-47f4-a857-1737eb6912b4",
"EnrollmentUrl": "http://localhost:5000/mfa/enroll/de908cdd-1e9f-47f4-a857-1737eb6912b4",
"TransportModes": [
"DisplayTransportModes": [
"MFAAvailables": [
"RequestId": "de908cdd-1e9f-47f4-a857-1737eb6912b4",
"TransportMode": 2,
"AuthenticationMode": 1,
"DestinationDisplay": "m****************s@g****.com",
"ExpirationTime": 90,
"AuthenticationModeDisplay": "Link",
"TransportModeDisplay": "Email",
"Id": "3e6fe21b-6985-4938-b89d-5af6a98339ef"
"RequestId": "de908cdd-1e9f-47f4-a857-1737eb6912b4",
"TransportMode": 2,
"AuthenticationMode": 2,
"DestinationDisplay": "m****************s@g****.com",
"ExpirationTime": 60,
"AuthenticationModeDisplay": "OTP",
"TransportModeDisplay": "Email",
"Id": "dee54c8b-9191-4bfd-9ca2-bddc76a30b5b"
"Status": 134217729,
"IsFailed": true,
"IsNotApproved": false,
"IsCanceled": false,
"IsCredentialInvalid": false,
"IsUserNotAuthorized": false,
"IsUserAccountExpired": false,
"IsUserAccountNotYetAvailable": false,
"IsUserAccountDisabled": false,
"IsUserAccountLocked": false,
"IsLastBadLogin": false,
"IsLastGraceLogon": false,
"IsPasswordExpired": false,
"IsPasswordSecure": true,
"IsUserAccountLockedOut": false,
"IsUserAccountWillBeLockedOut": false,
"MustChangePasswordAtNextLogon": false,
"IsMFAWaitingUserAction": false,
"IsMFAAuthenticationRequired": true,
"IsMFATimeOut": false,
"HasUserAccountMissingEmail": false,
"HasUserAccountMissingMobilePhone": false,
"IsMFAEnrollmentRequired": false
"Error": {
"Message": "",
"StackTrace": ""
"AuthorizationStatus": "Failure",
"AuthenticationStatus": "Failure, MFA_AuthenticationRequired",
"VGToken": ""
As shown above response contains AuthenticationResponse.AuthenticationEnrollmentRequest section. This section will contain all information for enrolment fields if not enrolled already. Ex. MicrosoftAuthenticator, SMS etc
Step 2: Enrolment of the field – MicrosoftAuthenticator
a) Generate QR code to be scanned by Microsoft Authenticator.
Visual Guard IdentityServer provides 2 different methods to get the QR code for enrolment of Microsoft Authenticator – TOTP. You can use any of them depending on the requirements and feasibility.
Method 1). EnrollUserToMicrosoftAuthenticatorByImage
Here, you need to pass the authentication requestId which is received in the response in step 1.
On executing this method, it will return the image. And this image is QR Code which will be scanned by Microsoft Authenticator app.
Method 2). EnrollUserToMicrosoftAuthenticatorByBytes
Here, you need to pass the authentication requestId which is received in the response in step1.
On executing this method, it will return the image bytes (byte array). These byte array can be used to generate image, and this image is QR Code which will be scanned by Microsoft Authenticator app.
b) Validation of secure code for enrollment\registration.
Once the QRCode is scanned via Microsoft Authenticator app, secure code (OTP) needs to be validated for successful enrolment\registration, Where you need to pass authentication requestId and secure code generated by the Microsoft Authenticator app.
A process in Visual Guard where Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is required to authorize specific business actions. This ensures that critical operations are executed only after verifying the user’s identity through multiple authentication methods, enhancing security for sensitive tasks within applications.
Example: Let’s take an example of a wire transfer transaction, here we have company XYZ whose employee wants to wire some money to someone, below is a small illustration of how MFA will help to validate or reject the user.
Note: Only Authenticated and authorized user can execute the MFA validation process.
MFA Validation can be done through an API.
Step 1: Get MFA Available (examples: MFA via Link on email, MFA via OTP on email etc)
Step 2: Select specific MFA Available item
Step 3: Validate operation (we have 3 options here)
Step 1: Get MFA Available (examples: MFA via Link on email, MFA via OTP on email etc)
Refer to the postman documentation.
Please find below the example response for getting MFA availables
"mfaAvailables": [
"id": "bb815f09-50e8-4aca-8ffc-c76a9894858a",
"requestId": "6b02489e-4984-46c4-9094-cbf6ce563718",
"transportMode": "Email",
"authenticationMode": "Link",
"destination": "abc.xyz@gmail.com",
"destinationDisplay": "m****************s@g****.com",
"expirationTime": 120
"id": "bb3c236b-f8a6-4c35-bb1c-236b504262e5",
"requestId": "6b02489e-4984-46c4-9094-cbf6ce563718",
"transportMode": "Email",
"authenticationMode": "OTP",
"destination": "abc.xyz@gmail.com",
"destinationDisplay": "m****************s@g****.com",
"expirationTime": 120
"requestId": "6b02489e-4984-46c4-9094-cbf6ce563718",
"mfaEnrollmentRequest": {
"id": "6b02489e-4984-46c4-9094-cbf6ce563718",
"enrollmentUrl": "http://localhost:5000/mfa/enroll/6b02489e-4984-46c4-9094-cbf6ce563718",
"transportModes": [
Step 2: Select specific MFA Available item
Select the appropriate MFA available item and copy the respective id (MFAAvailableId) and requestId from the above response
For example: We select the MFA AvailableId
Step 3: Validate operation
There are multiple methods available to validate business operation, you can choose your preference from the below;
You can validate operation by Id, here you will need to pass following ids.
For example: Here we select mfa Authentication via Link on email from the main response of Get MFA available.
"id": "bb815f09-50e8-4aca-8ffc-c76a9894858a",
"requestId": "6b02489e-4984-46c4-9094-cbf6ce563718",
"transportMode": "Email",
"authenticationMode": "Link",
"destination": "abc.xyz@gmail.com",
"destinationDisplay": "m****************s@g****.com",
"expirationTime": 120
Refer the postman documentation, after successful authentication of link approval, we will get the following response.
"requestId": "6b02489e-4984-46c4-9094-cbf6ce563718",
"status": "Success",
"statusCode": 1,
"enrollmentUrl": "http://localhost:5000/mfa/enroll/6b02489e-4984-46c4-9094-cbf6ce563718"
You can validate mfa operation by providing TransportMode and Authentication mode, here you will need to pass following modes in the method request.
Refer the postman documentation.
For example: If we select MFA authentication via OTP on email from the main response of Get MFA available. And we pass the TransportMode and AuthenticationMode in the request as shown below.
"id": "bb3c236b-f8a6-4c35-bb1c-236b504262e5",
"requestId": "6b02489e-4984-46c4-9094-cbf6ce563718",
"transportMode": "Email",
"authenticationMode": "OTP",
"destination": "abc.xyz@gmail.com",
"destinationDisplay": "m****************s@g****.com",
"expirationTime": 120
Request is shown below for the method.
"transportMode": "Email",
"authenticationMode": "OTP",
"secureCode": null
On executing above request, we will get the following response.
"requestId": "89d63748-0322-4c8e-87fa-e5df492fa19b",
"status": "UserActionRequest",
"statusCode": 3,
"enrollmentUrl": "http://localhost:5000/mfa/enroll/89d63748-0322-4c8e-87fa-e5df492fa19b"
Then we execute second part of operation for authenticating an OTP.
Request is shown below.
"transportMode": "Email",
"authenticationMode": "OTP",
"secureCode": "615055"
On executing above request, we will get the following response.
"requestId": "48dc2fcc-b5d5-4aac-81b2-1db193f7f936",
"status": "Success",
"statusCode": 1,
"enrollmentUrl": "http://localhost:5000/mfa/enroll/48dc2fcc-b5d5-4aac-81b2-1db193f7f936"
You can validate mfa operation by providing certain parameters in the request as shown below.
Refer the postman documentation.
For example: here we select mfa Authentication via Link on email from the main response of Get MFA available.
"id": "bb815f09-50e8-4aca-8ffc-c76a9894858a",
"requestId": "6b02489e-4984-46c4-9094-cbf6ce563718",
"transportMode": "Email",
"authenticationMode": "Link",
"destination": "abc.xyz@gmail.com",
"destinationDisplay": "m****************s@g****.com",
"expirationTime": 120
Our request will be as shown below.
"requestId": "6b02489e-4984-46c4-9094-cbf6ce563718",
"selectedMFAId": "bb815f09-50e8-4aca-8ffc-c76a9894858a",
"secureCode": null ,
"mfaAction": "SendLink"
On executing above request, we will get the following response.
After successful authentication of link approval, we will get the following response.
"requestId": "6b02489e-4984-46c4-9094-cbf6ce563718",
"status": "Success",
"statusCode": 1,
"enrollmentUrl": "http://localhost:5000/mfa/enroll/6b02489e-4984-46c4-9094-cbf6ce563718"