How to integrate in Silverlight ?

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To integrate VG in silverlight application/site, You have to:

  • Add the assemblies of Visual Guard as references of your project.
  • Add an authentication service.
  • Modify the “web.config” or the “app.config” file of your application to
    integrate the Visual Guard module.
  • Integrate Visual Guard in the code of your application.
  • Create a Visual Guard repository and declare your application by using the
    Visual Guard console. This repository will contain all security items (users,
    roles, permissions …) of your application.
  • Allow anonymous sessions,
  • Generate the Visual Guard configuration
    files by using the Visual Guard console. These configuration files will be
    needed to connect your application to the repository.
  • Grant read/write permissions to the repository.

Referencing Visual Guard assemblies

  • Opens the solution of your project in Visual Studio.
  • In the solution explorer, expands the project node.
  • Right-click the Project node for the project and select
    Add Reference

    from the shortcut menu.
  • In .Net tab, select the 5 assemblies
    1. Novalys.VisualGuard.Security
    2. Novalys.VisualGuard.Security.WebForm
    3. Novalys.VisualGuard.Security.WebService
    4. Novalys.VisualGuard.Security.<RepositoryType> (Files, SQLServer or Oracle)
    5. Novalys.VisualGuard.Security.<ApplicationFrameworkType> (Depending on type of application’s framework, whether .NetFramework or .NetCore)

  • And, then click the Select button, and then click the OK button

Note Note
In the list of assemblies, Visual Studio can display different
versions of the Visual Guard assemblies. You must select the assembly
corresponding to the version of the framework used in your project.

Note Note
You must add either Novalys.VisualGuard.Security.NetFramework or Novalys.VisualGuard.Security.Core (Depending on type of application’s framework)
Add ReferencesWCFSilverlight
  • Novalys.VisualGuard.Security contains the main Visual Guard classes.
  • Novalys.VisualGuard.Security.Files contains the classes needed to access
    to a file based repository.
  • Novalys.VisualGuard.Security.SQLServer contains the classes
    needed to access to a repository stored in a Microsoft SQLServer database
    (SQLServer 2000 or higher). Available only in Visual Guard Enterprise Edition
  • Novalys.VisualGuard.Security.Oracle
    contains the classes needed to access to a repository stored in an Oracle
    database (8i or higher). Available only in Visual Guard Enterprise Edition
  • Novalys.VisualGuard.Security.WebForm contains the classes
    needed to ASP.Net application. You must reference this assembly in ASP.Net
    WebSite or ASP.Net WebService project.
  • Novalys.VisualGuard.Security.WebService contains the classes
    needed to application hosting WCF services. You must reference this assembly in
    all project hosting WCF service contains the classes needed to application
    hosting WCF services. You must reference this assembly in all project hosting
    WCF services that needs to be secure by Visual Guard.
  • Novalys.VisualGuard.Security.NetFramework contains all classes required to support .Net Framework applications.
    This assembly is needed only if you want to integrate Visual Guard in .net framework applications.
  • Novalys.VisualGuard.Security.Core contains all classes required to support .Net Core applications.
    This assembly is needed only if you want to integrate Visual Guard in .net core applications.

Create an authentication service

  • Add New Item,
  • Select Text File
  • And call it “AuthenticationService.svc”
Authentication Service
<%@ ServiceHost Language="C#" Service="System.Web.ApplicationServices.AuthenticationService" %>;

Modifying the “app.config” or “web.config” file of your application

Add the authentication service

         <service behaviorConfiguration="AuthenticationServiceTypeBehaviors" name="System.Web.ApplicationServices.AuthenticationService">
                <endpoint binding="basicHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="userHttp" bindingNamespace="" contract="System.Web.ApplicationServices.AuthenticationService" /> 
          <binding name="userHttp"> 
              <security mode="None"> 
                      <extendedProtectionPolicy policyEnforcement="Never" /> 
      <behavior name="AuthenticationServiceTypeBehaviors">
        <serviceMetadata httpGetEnabled="true" />
  </serviceHostingEnvironment aspNetCompatibilityEnabled=&quot;true&quot; />
      <authenticationService enabled="true" requireSSL="false"/>

Configuring User Name Authentication

<authentication mode="Forms"/>

Configuring VGHTTPModule

  • Add the following line of code in the <HttpModules> node.
<add type="Novalys.VisualGuard.Security.WebForm.VGHttpModule,Novalys.VisualGuard.Security.WebForm" 
      <add type= "Novalys.VisualGuard.Security.WebForm.VGHttpModule,Novalys.VisualGuard.Security.WebForm" name="VGModule"/>

Configuring Membership

    <roleManager defaultProvider="VGRoleProvider" enabled="true">
        <add name="VGRoleProvider" type="Novalys.VisualGuard.Security.WebForm.VGRoleProvider, Novalys.VisualGuard.Security.WebForm" />
    <membership defaultProvider="VGMemberShipProvider">
        <add name="VGMemberShipProvider" type="Novalys.VisualGuard.Security.WebForm.VGMemberShipProvider, Novalys.VisualGuard.Security.WebForm" />

Call the authentication service in Silverlight

  • Add the Authentication service in your Silverlight application,
  • call the login methode.

Add the authentication service in your project

  • Right click in the project,
  • Select “Add service References”,
  • Put the adress of the Authentication Service,
  • Select The service,
  • Rename the service,
  • Click on “OK”
Add Authentication Service

Modify your Login Page

AuthenticationServiceClient client = new AuthenticationServiceClient();
client.LoginAsync(userName.Text, PassWord.Password, "", true);  //Authenticate the user
client.LoginCompleted += new EventHandler <LoginCompletedEventArgs>(client_LoginCompleted);

Modifying the “app.config” or “web.config” file of your application

  • Configure the authentication mode,
  • Configure the HTTModule

Configuring User Name Authentication

<authentication mode="Windows"/>

Configuring VGHTTPModule

Create a service “VGService”

//Methode: GetAllPermission
//This methode is use to have the list of all permissions of the connected user

public List<VGPermission> getAllPermissions()
    return VGHelper.GetAllPermissions(VGSecurityManager.Runtime.Principal);

Configure the service in the web.config file

      <service behaviorConfiguration="VGSecurityBehavior" name="CalculatorService">
        <endpoint binding="basicHttpBinding"  contract="ICalculatorService" />

Adding a new service behavior

    <behavior name="VGServiceBehavior">
      <serviceMetadata httpGetEnabled="true" />
      <serviceDebug includeExceptionDetailInFaults="false" />

Integrating Visual Guard in your WCF Silverlight code

Restricting the access to a service

[VGPrincipalPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Name="CanMultiply", Type=VGPermissionType.Permission)]
public double Multiply(double n1, double n2)
  return  n1 * n2;
<VGPrincipalPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Name:="CanMultiply", Type=VGPermissionType.Permission)> _
Public Function Multiply(Double n1, Double n2) As Double
    Return n1 * n2
End Function

Securing objects of the application

public class Calculator: ICalculator, VGISecurable
    public Calculator()
        // ....
        // Initialization of the object
        // ....

        // This call will indicates to Visual Guard that the class must be secured.
    public double Multiply(double n1, double n2)
        return n1 * n2;
Public Class Calculator
      Implemenents ICalculator, VGISecurable
      Private Sub New()
            ' ...
            ' Initialization of the object
            ' ...

            ' This call will indicates to Visual Guard that the class
            must be secured.

      End Sub
      Public Function Multiply(ByVal n1 as Double, ByVal n2 as  Double) As Double
            Return n1 * n2;
      End Function
End Class