Update List – Visual-Guard 2020.X

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Update list of Visual-Guard

New Features

VG Angular

We have upgraded our framework to Angular version 15. This upgrade enhances performance and security.

API Documentation

We have published new API documentations on Postman. These documentations will aid developers in understanding how to use our APIs more efficiently.

MFA Azure Front Door

We added a “no-store” cache control header to the response of MFA Azure Front Door. This will help to ensure that sensitive data is not stored in the browser’s cache.

WinConsole Repository Connection

The WinConsole can now connect to the VGIdentityServer. This will allow better integration between these two components.

WebConsole Attendance Monitoring

Modifications have been made to the calendar control for tracking attendance hours. This will help to improve time tracking accuracy.

Web Console Role Deletion

 The “Delete Role” option has been moved to the bottom menu in the WebConsole for better ergonomics.

Web Console: Loading Icon

A loading icon has been added to the workflow data monitor in the WebConsole to indicate when data is being loaded.

WebConsole: Workflow Settings Improvement

The last execution time of VGWorkFlowServer has been added to the WebConsole settings. This will allow users to see when the workflow server was last run.

IdentityServer Configuration

Several configuration changes have been made to the IdentityServer and new properties have been added to the WinConsole settings. This allows for more flexible configuration of the IdentityServer.

Angular Documentation

The Angular integration documentation has been updated for Oriolis VG 2019.2. This update will provide more recent information on Angular integration.


The UI of VG TRIAL SAAS has been updated to include left-hand margins, clickable titles that open in new windows, a separator below the ProgressBar, and CSS changes on button click. This improves the overall user experience.

VG Runtime

The system has been upgraded to version 4.6. This upgrade brings security and performance improvements.

Password Policy Comment

 A comment has been added for the Auto-Unclock feature in the password policy. This gives users a better understanding of this feature.

Bug Fixes

WebConsole | Monitoring | Graph

The graph display for a 15-month range has been fixed. The graph no longer reverts to only two bars.


 Fixed the bug where the eazydocs_get_option() function was not found. This solved an issue with the documentation site’s theme.

Oracle Migration

Fixed migration errors from 2019.2 to 2020.3 in oracle repositories. Users will no longer see error messages when logging in.

VGSecurityRuntime VGUser Creation

Fixed an issue that prevented creating a second VGUser in a new SQL repository without a license. The incorrect error message will no longer appear.

Authentication Modes

Fixed differences in authentication mode selection when adding a new repository in WinConsole and WebConsole. The options will now be consistent between the two.

VG Security Runtime

  • Password Less Authentication Module
  • MFA Visual-Guard for Visual-Guard User

VG WinConsole

  • Add the license MFA

VG WebConsole

  • Improve EventViewer Export to Excel
  • Delete application
  • Add support of Smtp Office 365

VG Identity Server

  • LoadBalancing support
    • The IdentityServer can support the multi-instance
  • Config External Account
  • Support GRPC V1
  • Support GRPC V2


  • Improve maintenance operation
  • Fix a bug to connect by IdentityServer
  • Separate Authentication from the Workflow Server

VG Security Runtime

  • Improve create permission for PowerServer
  • Improve VGTrace for the SubIdentities
  • Add VGGroup and advanced functionality in PermissionMatrix
  • Add new VGDistributedTransient entity for the load balancing

VG WinConsole

  • Improve with VGGroup and Advanced options to generate Permission Matrix
  • Add permission Matrix on App , Role, User
  • Create PowerServer permission
  • Reload all components PBTarget
  • Search User use contains by default
  • Add export to Excel on VGGroup and VGRole
  • Improve UI Identity Server
  • Add progress bar when we deploy a repository
  • Add a progress bar when we import the deploy file on the repository
  • Identity Client Entity add the CORS

VG Webconsole

  • Migration to .Net Core 3.1
    • The WebConsole is less time the response, better performance
  • Rename an VGApplication
    • Now, you can rename the application from the VGWebConsole
  • Create Permission for PowerServer
  • Export to excel added on events logs
  • Improve the View permissions with the name
  • Generate Permission Matrix
  • User search use contains by default
  • Generate file configuration
  • See the VGLicense
  • Select the language for WindowsSSO User
  • PowerServer Add relationship between DataWindows / Tables
  • Add Actions of the permission selected
  • Improve the monitoring to make easy selection


  • Add Waiting cursor on the monitoring graph

VG Identity Server

  • Create new API
    • ChangePassword()
    • ForcePassword()
    • WriteLog()
    • GetCurrentPermissions()
    • GetCurrentRoles()
    • SetProfileAttribute()
    • GetProfileAttribute()
    • GetAllRoles()
    • Grant and Revoke Role
  • Connect to the VGRepository by SqlServer Load the database list

VG Security Runtime

  • Support of .NET Core
    • We support .net by the new assembly Novalys.VisualGuard.Security.Core
  • Generate Permission Matrix
  • Identity Server Client Connection (HTTPS Mode)
  • Connection between VGSecurityRuntime to VGIdentityServer
  • Integration to PowerServer 2021
  • Identity Server entity
  • Identity Client entity multiple configuration

VG WinConsole

VG WebConsole

VG Identity Server