Password Policy

The Password Policy feature in Visual Guard is a crucial tool for maintaining the security of your applications. It allows administrators to establish rules for password creation, ensuring that all user passwords meet certain standards of complexity and security. These

Permission Matrix

The Permission Matrix feature of Visual Guard is an essential tool for managing permissions and roles in applications. It provides a detailed and organized view of the permissions assigned to each user and role within the system. What makes it


Understanding Permission Sets in Visual Guard for Efficient Access Control Introduction Access control plays a crucial role in ensuring the security and integrity of applications and data. Visual Guard, a comprehensive security framework, provides powerful permission management capabilities through the


Understanding Permissions in Visual Guard for Effective Access Control Introduction Access control is a crucial aspect of application security, ensuring that users have the appropriate permissions to perform their designated tasks while safeguarding sensitive data. Visual Guard, a comprehensive security


Introduction Visual Guard is a robust application security system that helps safeguard your data and systems from unauthorized access and potential breaches. It integrates seamlessly with your existing software applications and provides granular control over security, user permissions, and access

User Types

Introduction Visual Guard supports various user types to cater to different authentication needs. This documentation provides an overview of the different user types available in Visual Guard. VGUser VGUser is the standard user type in Visual Guard. They can be

User Interface

The user interface (UI) in Visual Guard refers to the graphical interface that users interact with to manage company logos and landing page text. 1. Customize logo If you want to customize the logo, you can easily customize it as


Settings refer to configurable options and parameters that govern the behavior, functionality, and security of the identity server. These settings allow administrators to customize various aspects of the identity server to align with organizational requirements and security policies. They may


You can execute the maintenance operation to check and refresh all encrypted data

Documentation on Postman

The Visual-Guard Identity Server API documentation provides a comprehensive guide on how to use Postman to view, explore, and test the API methods. Postman is a popular tool used by developers for API testing. It allows you to send requests