Permission Matrix

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The Permission Matrix feature of Visual Guard is an essential tool for managing permissions and roles in applications. It provides a detailed and organized view of the permissions assigned to each user and role within the system. What makes it even more powerful is its ability to generate an Excel document that presents this information in a clear and structured manner.

In the generated Excel document, users are listed in the rows and roles and permissions are presented in the columns. This allows administrators to quickly and easily see which permissions are assigned to which users. In addition, they can see which roles are assigned to each user, which facilitates the management of roles and permissions.

The Permission Matrix feature also offers several options for customizing the display and management of permissions and roles:

  1. “Show Permissions”: This option allows all permissions in the matrix to be displayed.
  2. “Show Roles”: This option allows all roles in the matrix to be displayed.
  3. “Show Global Sheet”: This option creates a global matrix that includes all applications.
  4. “Show Application Specific Sheet”: This option creates a specific sheet for each application.
  5. “Show items only when relation exists”: This option allows only elements that have an existing relation to be displayed.
  6. “Show entities count per matrix item”: This option displays the number of entities per matrix item.
  7. “Select application”: This option allows a specific application to be selected to display its permission and role matrix.

These options offer great flexibility in managing permissions and roles in Visual Guard. They allow administrators to customize the display and management of permissions and roles according to their specific needs.

In summary, the Permission Matrix feature of Visual Guard is a valuable tool for any organization that wants to effectively manage the permissions and roles of its users. Its ability to generate a detailed Excel document provides unmatched visibility and control over the permissions and roles in the system.