Migrate to Visual-Guard 2020.X

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Migration is a crucial process when upgrading to a newer version of Visual-Guard, a robust Identity and Access Management (IAM) solution. This process involves transferring all security configurations, user data, and settings from the old version to the new one. It requires careful planning and execution to ensure a smooth transition. It’s highly recommended to schedule sessions with Visual-Guard’s technical support team for guidance throughout the migration process.


Before starting the migration process, ensure that your system meets the following requirements:

  1. Identity Server: Ensure that you comply with the installation and setup requirements for the Identity Server.
    • Please ensure that .Net framework 4.7.2 has been installed on the machine. If not, download it here.
    • Please ensure that .Net Core hosting bundle 2.1 (including the .Net core runtime and IIS Support) has been installed on the machine. If not, download it here.
    • Install the VGIdentityServerSetup. [Link available in the table above]
      1. Doing so, will create a ‘VisualGuardIdentityServer’ website.
      2. It will also create an application pool ‘AspNetCore’ ‘with – .Net CLR Version – “No Managed Code”.
        (If not created, please create it manually)
    • Check the list of websites, select ‘VisualGuardIdentityServer’.
      Go to ‘Advanced Settings’, and select application pool – ‘AspNetCore’.
    • Check ‘permissions’, and assign full permissions to ‘IIS_IUSRS’.
  2. WinConsole: Make sure that your system meets the installation requirements for the WinConsole.
  3. WebConsole: Ensure that your system meets the setup requirements for the WebConsole.
    • Please ensure that .Net Core hosting bundle 3.1 (including the .Net core runtime and IIS Support) has been installed on the machine. If not, download it here.
  4. .NET Framework: Your system should have the .NET framework 4.7.2 or higher installed.
  5. Application Migration: Migrate all applications (App1, App2, App3) with the .NET framework 4.7.2.
  6. Backups: Take backups of your VG 2019 repositories.
  7. DBA Attendance: Ensure that a Database Administrator (DBA) attends the session.
  8. Download VG 2020.3: Download the VG 2020.3 version.

Migration Steps

  1. Backup: Before starting the migration process, please take a backup of all VG repository databases.
  2. Environment Setup: Set up a parallel environment on a virtual machine and duplicate the environment Windows Server 2022 Build 20348 or later.
  3. VG Installation: Install VG 2020.X in the new environment (VG Winconsole, VG Webconsole, VG identity Server).
  4. Repository Addition: Add the existing repository that was created in VG 2019.
  5. Migration and Licensing: Migrate and request a new license.
  6. Upgrade VG Assemblies: Once migration is done, upgrade all VG assemblies in all applications of a repository.
  7. Build Application: Once upgraded, build the application to make sure if everything is fine.
  8. Generate VG Configuration File: Later, generate VG configuration file for each application from Win Console.
  9. Decommission VG 2019: Once the migration is done for all repositories and environments, decommission the VG 2019 environments.