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Group Hierarchy and Role Inheritance


Visual Guard allows you to create group hierarchies, which provide a structured way to organize and manage groups. Group hierarchies enable you to establish parent-child relationships between groups, allowing for more flexible and granular control over permissions and user management. In addition to group hierarchy, Visual Guard also supports role inheritance, where child groups can inherit roles from their parent group.

Creating Group Hierarchies

To create a group hierarchy in Visual Guard, follow these steps:

  1. Access the Visual Guard Administration Console (WinConsole or WebConsole).
  2. Navigate to the Groups section.
  3. Create the parent group by clicking on the “Create Group” button.
  4. Provide a name and description for the parent group.
  5. Optionally, assign users and roles to the parent group.
  6. Save the parent group configuration.
  7. Create child groups within the parent group by following the same steps.
  8. Assign users and roles to the child groups as needed.
  9. Save the child group configurations.

Role Inheritance in Group Hierarchy

When configuring the role-to-group relationship, Visual Guard allows you to enable role propagation for child groups. This means that child groups can inherit roles from their parent group, simplifying role assignment and ensuring consistent access rights across the group hierarchy.

To enable role inheritance for child groups in Visual Guard, follow these steps:

  1. Access the Visual Guard Administration Console (WinConsole or WebConsole).
  2. Navigate to the Groups section.
  3. Select the parent group that has the desired roles assigned.
  4. Enable the role propagation option for the relationship between the parent group and child groups.
  5. Save the changes to apply the role inheritance to the child groups.

Utilizing Group Hierarchies and Role Inheritance in Security Configuration

Once group hierarchies are created and configured in Visual Guard, and role inheritance is enabled, you can leverage them in the security configuration of your applications. Permissions assigned to roles in the parent group will be automatically propagated to the child groups that inherit those roles. This ensures a consistent security policy and access rights across the entire hierarchy.

By utilizing group hierarchies and role inheritance, you can streamline the security configuration process, maintain a structured approach to user management, and ensure consistent role assignments within the group hierarchy.

Benefits of using group hierarchies and role inheritance

  1. Simplified Role Assignment: Group hierarchies and role inheritance allow for a more streamlined and efficient process of assigning roles to users. Instead of manually assigning roles to each user individually, you can assign roles at the group level and have them automatically propagated to child groups and their members. This reduces administrative effort and ensures consistent role assignments.
  2. Consistent Access Rights: With role inheritance, you can ensure consistent access rights across the group hierarchy. When a role is assigned to a parent group, all child groups and their members inherit the same role. This helps maintain a consistent security policy and eliminates inconsistencies or discrepancies in access rights.
  3. Flexibility and Scalability: Group hierarchies provide a flexible and scalable approach to user management. As your application grows and security requirements evolve, you can easily add new child groups to the hierarchy and configure role inheritance for them. This allows for a hierarchical structure that can accommodate complex user management scenarios.
  4. Efficient Updates: When a role needs to be updated or modified, you can make the changes at the parent group level, and the updates will automatically propagate to all child groups and their members. This ensures that any modifications to roles are applied consistently throughout the hierarchy, saving time and effort in managing individual role assignments.
  5. Granular Control over Permissions: Group hierarchies allow for granular control over permissions. You can assign specific roles to parent groups and fine-tune the permissions assigned to child groups. This enables you to provide different levels of access and control to different segments of users within the hierarchy based on their roles and responsibilities.
  6. Simplified Auditing and Reporting: Group hierarchies and role inheritance simplify auditing and reporting processes. With role assignments centralized at the group level, it becomes easier to track and report on access rights and permissions within the hierarchy. This can help in compliance efforts, security audits, and generating comprehensive reports on user access and permissions.

By utilizing group hierarchies and role inheritance in Visual Guard, you can streamline user management, ensure consistent access rights, and maintain a scalable and efficient security configuration for your applications.

Please note that this documentation provides an overview of the benefits of group hierarchies and role inheritance in Visual Guard. The exact implementation and features may vary depending on your specific configuration and requirements.