Master Administrator

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If you have been granted the Master Administrator role you will have full access to all the resources of the Visual Guard tools

  • The Master Administrator will be assigned the following permission sets by default:
Auditor permissionsThis option allows to access to the repository in read only mode and to consult the event log.
Deployer permissionsThis option allows to deploy the application.
Developer Deployer permissionsThis option allows deploying, editing applications, permissions, users and roles but not the repositories.
Developer PermissionsThis option allows to create application and defining roles, permissions, permission sets.
  • The Master Administrator will be assigned following permissions by default:
Applications\Can Create ApplicationsThis permission allows creating a new application
Applications\Can Delete ApplicationsThis permission allows deleting an application
Applications\Can Deploy ApplicationThis permission allows deploying an application
Applications\Can Read All ApplicationThis permission gives you the right to read all applications.
Applications\Can Read ApplicationThis permission gives you the right to read applications for which you have the role “Membership Manager”
Applications\Can Update ApplicationThis permission gives you the right to update an application.
Audit and Reporting\Can Edit Event Log CategoryThis permission gives you the right to edit event log category
Audit and Reporting\Can Generate DocumentationThis permission gives you the right to generate documentation.
Audit and Reporting\Can Read Event LogThis permission gives you the right to read an Event Log.
Groups\Can Create GroupThis permission gives you the right to create a group.
Groups\Can Delete GroupThis permission gives you the right to delete a group.
Groups\Can Read All GroupsThis permission gives you the right to read all groups.
Groups\Can Read GroupThis permission gives you the right to read groups that have been assigned to you.
Permissions\Can Create PermissionThis permission gives you the right to create permission.
Permissions\Can Delete PermissionThis permission gives you the right to delete a permission.
Permissions\Can Read PermissionThis permission gives you the right to read a permission.
Permissions\Can Update PermissionThis permission gives you the right to update a permission.
Permission Sets\Can Create Permission SetThis permission gives you the right to create a permission set.
Permission Sets\Can Delete Permission SetThis permission gives you the right to delete a permission set.
Permission Sets\Can Read Permission SetThis permission gives you the right to read a permission set.
Permission Sets\Can Update Permission SetThis permission gives you the right to update a permission set.
Repository\Can Delete RepositoryThis permission gives you the right to delete a repository
Repository\Can Deploy RepositoryThis permission gives you the right to deploy a repository
Repository\Can Update Password PolicyThis permission gives you the right to update a password policy.
Repository\Can Update RepositoryThis permission gives you the right to update a Repository.
Roles\Can Create Application RoleThis permission gives you the right to create an application role.
Roles\Can Create Shared RoleThis permission gives you the right to create a shared role
Roles\Can Create System RoleThis permission gives you the right to create a system role
Roles\Can Delete Application RoleThis permission gives you the right to delete an application role
Roles\Can Delete Shared RoleThis permission gives you the right to delete shared role
Roles\Can Delete System RoleThis permission gives you the right to delete system role
Roles\Can Grant Revoke Permission Sets To Application RolesThis permission gives you the right to grant or revoke the permission sets of the application roles.
Roles\Can Grant Revoke Permission Sets To Shared RolesThis permission gives you the right to grant or revoke the permission sets of the shared roles.
Roles\Can Create Application RoleThis permission gives you the right to create an application role.
Roles\Can Grant Revoke Application Roles To GroupsThis permission gives you the right to grant or revoke application roles to groups.
Roles\Can Grant Revoke Application Roles To UsersThis permission gives you the right to grant or revoke application roles to users.
Roles\Can Grant Revoke Shared Roles To GroupsThis permission gives you the right to grant or revoke shared roles to groups
Roles\Can Grant Revoke Shared Roles To UsersThis permission gives you the right to grant or revoke shared roles to users
Roles\Can Grant Revoke System Roles To GroupsThis permission gives you the right to grant or revoke system roles to groups
Roles\Can Grant Revoke System Roles To UsersThis permission gives you the right to grant or revoke system roles to users
Roles\Can Read Application RoleThis permission gives you the right to read an application role.
Roles\Can Read Shared RoleThis permission gives you the right to read a shared role.
Roles\Can Read System RoleThis permission gives you the right to read a system role
Roles\Can Update Application RoleThis permission gives you the right to update an application role
Roles\Can Update Shared RoleThis permission gives you the right to update a shared role
Roles\Can Update System RoleThis permission gives you the right to update a system role
Users\Can Approve Pending UsersThis permission gives you the right to approve or deny users
Users\Can Assign Remove Users To GroupsThis permission gives you the right to assign or remove users to the group
Users\Can Create UserThis permission gives you the right to create an user
Users\Can Delete UserThis permission gives you the right to delete an user
Users\Can Lock Unlock UserThis permission gives you the right to lock or unlock an user
Users\Can Read All UsersThis permission gives you the right to read all users
Users\Can Read UserThis permission gives you the right to read an user
Users\Can Update UserThis permission gives you the right to update an user
ADFS\ Can Create ADFS ServerThis permission allows creating a new ADFS Server
ADFS\ Can Delete ADFS ServerThis permission gives you the right to delete an ADFS Server
ADFS\ Can Update ADFS ServerThis permission gives you the right to update an ADFS Server

See Also: