How to create an user attributes ?

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You can create multiple user attributes

The user attributes have a type

  • Integer
  • Boolean
  • Double
  • DateTime
  • Image
  • BinaryData
  • DropDownItems
//you can create user profile attribute for various datatypes

VGProfileAttribute attrCompany= runtime.Profile.CreateProfileAttribute("CompanyName", VGProfileDataType.String, "Company Name", "This attribute represents company name of the user");

VGProfileAttribute attrBirthDate = runtime.Profile.CreateProfileAttribute("BirthDate", VGProfileDataType.DateTime, "BirthDate", "This attribute represents BirthDate of the user");

VGProfileAttribute attrAge = runtime.Profile.CreateProfileAttribute("Age", VGProfileDataType.Integer, "Age", "This attribute represents an age of the user", 150, string.Empty, true, false, false, true, 0, "Primary Information", string.Empty, VGAttribute_InformationType.None);

VGProfileAttribute attrBinaryData = runtime.Profile.CreateBinaryDataProfileAttribute("BinaryData", "BinaryData", "This attribute represents certificate binarydata", null);

VGProfileAttribute attrDropDown = runtime.Profile.CreateDropDownProfileAttribute("Contry", "Contry", "This attribute represents country of the user", new List<string> { "France", "US", "India", "Canada" },"India");

VGProfileAttribute attrProfilePic = runtime.Profile.CreateProfileAttribute("ProfilePic", VGProfileDataType.Image, "ProfilePicture", "This attribute represents a profile picture of the user");