How to deactivate Windows SSO ?

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VGIdentityServer Feature Guide: Configurable Windows SSO Authentication

This guide provides detailed instructions on how to utilize specific settings for automatic Windows SSO authentication in VGIdentityServer. These settings allow developers to choose between automatic Windows authentication and manual authentication.

Server Configuration Example:

Server URL: https://vgidentityserver.mycompany.local

IdentityServer Settings:

Windows Authentication Enabled: true
Automatic Windows Authentication Enabled: true

Accessing the Identity Server UI:

Using Current Windows Account (AutoWindowsSSO)

URL: https://vgidentityserver.mycompany.local/Account/Login

  • If the current Windows account user has the necessary rights, the system will automatically sign you in.
  • If the user lacks the required rights, you’ll be redirected to the login page with a “not authorized to login” message. Here, you can log in using different credentials.

Without Using Current Windows Account (Manual Authentication)

  • URL with parameter: https://vgidentityserver.mycompany.local/Account/Login?autowindowssso=false
  • The system will prompt you for credentials to authenticate.

Requesting Tokens or Authorization Codes via Browser (AutoWindowsSSO)

  • Example URL: https://vgidentityserver.mycompany.local/connect/authorize?response_type=code&client_id=172b5450-6954-4bf5-982f-9af688f1aa58_WebApp
    • &redirect_uri=http://localhost:5002/signin-oidc&scope=openid+profile+VGActivityDate+VGApplications+VGDeveloper+VGIsApproved+VGIsLocked+
    • VGPermissions+VGProfile+VGRoles+VGToken+offline_access+IdentityServerApi
  • If the current Windows account user has rights, a code will be provided in the response.
  • Without the necessary rights, you’ll be redirected to the login page with a “not authorized to login” message.

Requesting Tokens or Authorization Codes Without Current Windows Account

  • URL with parameter:
  • https://vgidentityserver.mycompany.local/connect/authorize?autowindowssso=false&response_type=code&client_id=172b5450-6954-4bf5-982f-9af688f1aa58_WebApp&redirect_uri=http://localhost:5002/signinoidc
    • &scope=openid+profile+VGActivityDate+VGApplications+VGDeveloper+VGIsApproved+VGIsLocked+
    • VGPermissions+VGProfile+VGRoles+VGToken+offline_access+IdentityServerApi
  • The system will prompt you for credentials to authenticate.