Local Settings

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Here, you can configure Visual Guard’s Identity Server Url, which will be used for internal communication.

VGIdentityServer makes internal calls to perform operations such as authentication, session management, and loading of authorizations. Configuring this url ensures that these calls are correctly routed within the network infrastructure.

Configuring the Internal DNS for VGIdentityServer

To ensure optimal configuration of VGIdentityServer, follow the steps below in the “Local Settings” section:

  1. Access Local Settings: In the VGIdentityServer administration interface, navigate to the “Local Settings” submenu. This section contains various configuration settings that influence the operation of the identity server.
  2. Set the Internal DNS: Look for the field dedicated to configuring the internal DNS. This field should be filled with the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) or internal IP address of the VGIdentityServer, followed by the port used for internal communications. For example: internaldns.example.com:port or
  3. Save Changes: After entering the internal DNS and port, make sure to save your changes. This action refreshes the VGIdentityServer configuration and applies the new settings.