Installation setup

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System requirements

Please check the following requirements before installing Visual Guard Identity Server.

Visual Guard 2024.0

  • Operating System: Windows Server 2012, 2016, 2019, 2022
  • Hard Drive: 512 GB to 1 TB – Fast drive recommended, ideally SSD
  • CPU:  4 core min – 3 Ghz or higher
  • RAM: 8 GB 
  • Software:
  • IIS with the necessary Windows features should be installed as described below.
  • VGRepository
    • Require SQL Server 2012 or later, with a minimum of the Standard Edition.
    • Require Oracle Database with Oracle9i or later. Please ensure the Oracle Driver is installed.
  • Install the VGIdentityServerSetup. [Link available in the table above]
  1. Doing so, will create a ‘VisualGuardIdentityServer’ website.
  2. It will also create an application pool ‘AspNetCore’ ‘with – .Net CLR Version – “No Managed Code”.
    (If not created, please create it manually)
  • Check the list of websites, select ‘VisualGuardIdentityServer’.
    Go to ‘Advanced Settings’, and select application pool – ‘AspNetCore’.
  • Check ‘permissions’, and assign full permissions to ‘IIS_IUSRS’.
  • Check the application root path.
    Select ‘web.config’ , please make sure it contains the following values:
<aspNetCore processPath="dotnet" arguments=".\Novalys.VisualGuard.Tools.VGIdentityServer.dll" stdoutLogEnabled="false" stdoutLogFile=".\logs\stdosut">
<environmentVariables />

Private mode Communication

  • Windows Server 2022 Build 20348 or later.

SQL Server settings

To provide appropriate login rights to create a new repository, follow the below steps to be configured in the SQL server platform.

Step 1: Go to the user properties in the SQL server, select master under the default database –> Click OK

Step 2: Under the user properties, select Server roles –> Select dbcreator and public to provide roles rights –> Click OK

Installation Steps

Step 1: Download Visual Guard Identity Server setup and follow the installation wizard

Step 2: Enter the required information, Site, Application pool and click Next

Step 3: Installation process will begin

Step 4: Once installation is complete, you will be notified with a message confirming the successful setup. Please click “Close” to exit the setup.

Once the installation is complete, Go to the installation folder that is created automatically –> open the folder –> Right click on the IdentityServer folder and select properties –> Click on Security section –> Add IIS_IURS if not added –> Click on IIS_IURS –> ensure to allow the below mentioned permissions –> Click OK