Repository settings

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Visual Guard allows user to deploy parameters of the repository.

To deploy the parameters of the repository, follow the steps below:

  • Open the Repository Deployment Wizard screen. Click here (missing link)for more information.
  • Click “Next >” to proceed.
  • Select Deploy in an existing repository > Deploy parameters of the repository (A) option from the wizard.
  • Click “Next >” to continue.
  • The below screen will be displayed.
  • Visual Guard allows you to deploy either the complete repository or selected components of the repository.
  • Select the appropriate option.
  • In case you want to deploy select information select the “Select information to deploy” option.
  • The sub options will be enabled. Select the checkbox before each option.
  • Once the selection is complete click “Next >” to continue.
  • The below screen will be displayed.
  • Click “Finish” to complete the deployment wizard.
  • On clicking “Finish” , the deployed parameter of the repository will be displayed as shown below.