Edit Permission Set List

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This module allows you to grant or revoke list of permissions set associated with the selected permission set.

To grant or revoke list of permissions sets to a permission set follow the steps below:

Note: Besides the below option you can assign a permission set to a permission set by directly dragging and dropping the selected permission set to the permission set.

Select the Repository > Application > Permission Set> Permission set name from the Left Navigation Panel.

The selected permission set details will be displayed.

  • You can access the Edit permissions set list menu using one of the following options:
    • Right click on the permission set name and select the Edit permission set list menu (A) from the popup menu.


    • Select the permission set name from the Left Navigation Panel and select Edit permission set list menu from the Action menu (B).


    • Select the Granted Permissions Sets option from the Right Navigation Panel (C).


    • Select the permission set name and press  Ctrl + S.
  • “Select the set of sub permissions sets for Permission Set Name” screen will be displayed. For example here the screen name is Select the set of sub permissions sets for “UK Sales team permissions.”
  • Select the permission set that needs to be granted from list of permissions sets (A).
  • You can grant multiple permission set at a time. Once permission set (A) is selected, Grant (B) will be enabled.
  • Click “-> Grant” , the granted permission set will be displayed in Current granted permission sets section (C).
  • User can remove the permission set by selecting the permission set from Current granted permission list. You can revoke multiple permission set at a time.
  • Click “<- Revoke”  to remove the permission set. The removed permission set will again be available in List of permission sets (D).
  • Click “OK” to save the permission sets or click “Cancel” to discard the changes.
  • Once you save the details, the list of Granted permission sets would be updated.