New Applications

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Visual Guard allows you to integrate applications and set permissions for accessing the integrated application.

To add a new application follow the steps below:

  • Login to the Repository under which new application is to be integrated.
  • The Application Creation Wizard will automatically be displayed in case new repository has been created.
  • You can also integrate the application with exiting repository using one of the options below:
    • Right click on the Repository Name provided on the Left Navigation Panel and select New Application option (A).


    • Select the Repository from Left Navigation Panel and select the New Application menu from Action Menu (B).


    • Click on Ctrl + A
  • Application Creation Wizard will be displayed.
  • Using this wizard you can integrate following types of applications:
    • Winform, WPF, Console, Windows Service
    • ASP.Net Web Site or Web Service (.Net 2.0 or higher)
    • ASP.Net Web Application or Web Service Application (.Net 2.0 or higher)
    • Power Builder Application
    • Neutral Application