Create A New Application Version

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Visual Guard allows you to create new version for the integrated application.

To create a new version follow the steps below:

  • Select the Repository > Application > Application name from the Left Navigation Panel.
  • The details of the selected application name will be displayed as shown below.
  • Access the Create new version menu using any of the options below:
    • Right click on the application name from the Left Navigation Panel and select the Create new version menu (A) from the popup menu.


    • Select the application name from the Left Navigation Panel and select the Create new version menu from the Action menu (B).
  • A Create new version screen will be displayed.
  • By default, the New Version (C) number will be incremented by one.
  • You can also enter the new version in the New Version (C) section.
  • Click on the check box if you want to regenerate configuration files. Click here to know more about regenerating the configuration files.
  • Click “OK” to continue or click “Cancel” to cancel the creation.
  • The new version will be created and displayed as shown below.