Historical Data

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Detailed monitoring of the data is displayed using Historical Data.

To view the monitoring of historical data of the repository follow the steps below:

  • Log in to the Repository.
  • Click on the Repository Name to view the Monitoring Details.
  • Select the Historical Data Tab (A) from the Monitoring Tab
  • Clicking on (B) will redirect to the screen displayed below

The Chart Type of the Historical Data can also be displayed: missing links

  • Hourly
  • Daily
  • Monthly 

Chart Type: Hourly

Detailed Monitoring of the data performed on hourly basis is displayed below:

Chart Type: Daily

Detailed Monitoring of the data performed on daily basis is displayed below:

Chart Type: Monthly 

Detailed Monitoring of the data performed on monthly basis is displayed below:

  • Filtering the data through Chart Legends by clicking on the hand lens icon will display the screen below:
  • The selected options will be displayed besides the Chart Legends which can be deselected later.

See Also: missing links

  • Viewing Repository Details
  • Viewing User Profile Attributes’ Details
  • Viewing Modules’ Details
  • Viewing Web Portal Details
  • Viewing ADFS Server Details