Edit Event

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Visual Guard allows you to edit event descriptions

You can edit the description of the events using the below steps

  • Access the events for the selected application by clicking on Event Viewer option.
  • Click on the “Add/Edit Event Description”  (A) at the extreme right of the Event Log screen
  • The Add/Edit Event Description screen will be displayed.
  • You can select an event from the list of events (B) to edit the description.
  • As soon as you select the event to be edited, the description of the selected event (C) will be displayed.
  • You can edit the selected event’s description using the Description field.

Note :The event id of the pre-defined events will be uneditable. So you will not be able to modify the event ids of the events. You can modify the event ids of the customized events only.

  • As soon as you edit the description, “Save” will be enabled (D) as shown below.
  • After the description is changed, you can click on “Save” to save it.
  • You can undo the changes using “Reset” .
  • You can also add a new event using this screen. Click here for more details

See Also: