Configure Private Connection for your application

Estimated reading: 2 minutes 35 views

VisualGuard Identity Server Private connection allows your application to connect to the Identity Server, and eventually Identity Server will connect to the database repository to retrieve the security data of the users. and thus, application will not connect to database directly to make it more secure.

You can use VG Identity Server to configure a private connection for your application using Https, Http & GRPC via winconsole. Below are the steps for the same.

Step 1: Configure your VisualGuard Identity Server.

Note: If you want to leverage the performance using GRPC, you need to configure the parameters of VisualGuard Identity Server as shown below. (These settings are available on the configuration of Identity Server, quick links given above)

  • Is GRPC Enabled: Enable the button to activate
  • Is GRPCWeb Enabled: Enable the button to activate as it makes the private service compatible with http 1.1
  • GRPC Port: Mention the Port no. on which Grpc service will be running

Step 2: After successfully configuring Visual Guard Identity Server, you need to generate the Visual Guard Configuration files as shown below.

  1. Open winconsole
  2. Select your Application
  3. Right click –> Click on Generate VG configuration files

4. Click on the toogle below to enable the switch to private connection

5. Once you enable the toogle, you will see a URL liner added on the settings list, enter the identity server URL and click OK.